Friday, April 11, 2014

The 'bojio' attitude

1. The act of not inviting your friend to go out together.
2. Literally translates as "never invite". Used shamelessly to get yourself invited to an activity your friends are doing.

When you uploaded a photo/status of you going somewhere/doing something and 5 seconds later someone commented 'bojio' or 'tak ajak' or 'oi asal aku takde' or anything along that line.

It is very uncomfortable.

I believe if you did not receive any invitation to join the other person, it is as simple as you are. not. invited. The person do not want you to be there. period.

considering positively, it could be because the other person:
1- knows that you won't be free. 
     They probably already know that you have something else and cannot join them. No, asking out of courtesy is out of question because asking everyone although you already know their answer is absolutely wasting time and money. I used to ask everyone whenever I'm going somewhere for the sake of 'menjaga hati'. No, I won't do such thing anymore. It's wasting time, money and effort.

2- knows you are not interested
    Like asking a BN supporter to ceramah PAS. It is not reasonable at all. Since you are not interested, what is the point of even asking? Walaupun sebagai basa basi busuk, I think it unnecessary

3-simply do not want you there
    Even it is hard to brain and stomach, the reason you are not invited, you are not with them is simply because you are not wanted there. Accept that.

It's true that when I saw pictures of my friends somewhere doing things without me, worse, I don't have any idea about it,I do feel that BOJIO thing. y y y I wasn't there. But I believe I shouldn't to make it 'awkwarddd' by asking 'bakpa tak ajak'. I wasn't in the picture for reasons. Could be unwanted, unnecessary, unreasonable yada yada.

Don't take it to heart kay.
Semoga Allah pelihara aku dari jadi orang yang kecil hatinya.


1 comment:

Blogger said...

Still not playing Bojio on your mobile? Download Bojio (Built for Android and iOS)