Friday, July 4, 2014

Ramadhan & Pantai Dalam

Somehow, I miss Ramadhan in Pantai Dalam. Dua kali di Bukit Angkasa, sekali di Pantai Permai. Rindu tetangga nya yang mengetuk pintu berkongsi jadah berbuka, rindu bazarnya yang di depan rumah, rindu lokasinya yang boleh tahan dekat dengan masjid Negara dan masjid Wilayah, rindu masjid Angkasapuri, surau P20 dan surau Pantai Permai sendiri, rindu lif rosak dan naik turun tangga ke tingkat 11, rindu jamuan menyambut Ramadhan, rindu kawan kawan yang berkongsi juadah berbuka dan yang akan kejutkan saya untuk bersahur.

Tapi tak apa, kelebihan Ramadhan bukan terletak di lokasinya. Work harder, Haps.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

that moment when

when two (or more people) stop sharing, that's when they are getting far from each other.

Friday, April 11, 2014

The 'bojio' attitude

1. The act of not inviting your friend to go out together.
2. Literally translates as "never invite". Used shamelessly to get yourself invited to an activity your friends are doing.

When you uploaded a photo/status of you going somewhere/doing something and 5 seconds later someone commented 'bojio' or 'tak ajak' or 'oi asal aku takde' or anything along that line.

It is very uncomfortable.

I believe if you did not receive any invitation to join the other person, it is as simple as you are. not. invited. The person do not want you to be there. period.

considering positively, it could be because the other person:
1- knows that you won't be free. 
     They probably already know that you have something else and cannot join them. No, asking out of courtesy is out of question because asking everyone although you already know their answer is absolutely wasting time and money. I used to ask everyone whenever I'm going somewhere for the sake of 'menjaga hati'. No, I won't do such thing anymore. It's wasting time, money and effort.

2- knows you are not interested
    Like asking a BN supporter to ceramah PAS. It is not reasonable at all. Since you are not interested, what is the point of even asking? Walaupun sebagai basa basi busuk, I think it unnecessary

3-simply do not want you there
    Even it is hard to brain and stomach, the reason you are not invited, you are not with them is simply because you are not wanted there. Accept that.

It's true that when I saw pictures of my friends somewhere doing things without me, worse, I don't have any idea about it,I do feel that BOJIO thing. y y y I wasn't there. But I believe I shouldn't to make it 'awkwarddd' by asking 'bakpa tak ajak'. I wasn't in the picture for reasons. Could be unwanted, unnecessary, unreasonable yada yada.

Don't take it to heart kay.
Semoga Allah pelihara aku dari jadi orang yang kecil hatinya.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Today is my payday.
Pastu terus rasa menunggu gaji bulan depan.

Haha. Where all my pay had gone to? zzzz. After paying the room rent, the car loan, the utilities bill, and last month hutang from my other bank's acc, I have a little to survive the month. Yet, I already have plans throughout the month T.T tch so much of 'saving'

12 hours before that, I determine to cut down my monthly expenses so that I can save up a bit for holidays. Unfortunately, less than 12 hours my determination proven a failure.

Then, someone shared this link.
So, uhm, I'm guilty of number
1. Buying Lunch ... and Coffee and Snacks Everyday

*Today, I spent about RM20 for meals. KFC for lunch, goreng pisang for tea time and nasi kukus for dinner. Omigah. Thats already 30% of my pay.No wonder Redza Minhat cut down his meals to cut down his daily expenses. Unutng jugak, kut kurang makan, boleh turun berat.Haha leulz.

6. Paying a Premium for Your Vacation

*Not vacation lah, but I always but my balik kampung tix last minute when all the cheapest tix gone already. If only I bought them like 2 weeks earlier, I may get better price (sometimes the opposite happens)

7. Saving Your Savings Goals for Last

*ya lo, most of the time I save whatever I have in the end (most of the time none at all except the kutu)

8. Overpaying on Entertainment

*My biggest loophole. The movies on every weekend.  

9. Setting and Forgetting About Your Savings

*same ol' same ol'

10. Dining Out to the Detriment of Your Budget
*I always have the 'bila lagi nak jumpa, lets lepak all out' with my friends, hence the almost weekly over-spending on my dinner budget. 

11. Paying the Price for Last-Minute Holiday Purchases
*same case with number 6, not really vacation/holiday, but more to balik kampung.

Conclusion? Lets try to cut down the movies, the chatime, the dunkins and the goreng pisang. Say yes to more air bancuhan sendiri di rumah and skipping dinner once in awhile? Say NO to lepak at fancy cafe, say YES to mamaks. Heee. 

Saturday, December 28, 2013


I wonder how my parents did it.

They have a lot more, but living such a modest lifestyle.
Those people who are looking forward for brim probably living even more extravagant lifestyle compared to my parents.

Lifestyle does matter. They dont spend RM8 every week for a cup of coffee or RM12 for a movie. If only I cut all of those, maaaaybe...I can lead a life like my parents too.

Earning is indeed..hard!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Time to say goodbye

to my undergraduate years.
My convocation will be held in ten days.
That will mark the end of my undergraduate life.
I really missed this time. Masa yang kurang masalah, dan kurang jerawat. herm. 
I've grown up in this 4 years. Learned lots of things. Met lots of people. 
Thank you for being part of my uni life. Let's see if we'll keep in contact. Haha

Time to move on, for bigger plans. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Cantiknya baju kahwin...


Kawan waktu matrik dah kahwin. Ada dia jemput, ikut FB yang aku lupa lansung.

Semalam sempat stalk gamba akad dan walimah di FB and omagerdd cantiknyaaaa.

Cantik sebab simple. Baju kurung ber-lace, selendang kosong disarung style dia memang selalu pakai, flats. So everyday yet so simple.

Tengok gamba kawen Leya bagi aku 4 peringatan:
1- Baju kahwin yang sopan.
Wedding day bukan alasan nak pakai baju yang sekali ni jerrr pls nak ketat sikit, NO. Fesyen kurung longgar yang biasa tu aje dah nampak cantik, spesel sikit kaler krim dan les sarat. Mangg, nobody going to take you less than the bride herself. Lagipun gambar kahwin kan gambar yang ramai orang akan upload di sejenak muka buku, insta, twitter and u name it. Kalau baju tak ikut syariat, imagine bape banyak dosa kutip atas satu persalinan. Won't want to try that yo

2-To look natural.
Leya bukanlah yang bermekap tebal setiap kali ke kelas. Aku ingat dia suka pakai bedak sejuk kih kih. Sekadar wajah dirias tak nampak puicat (masa matrik dululah). Dan gambar wedding dia omagerddd versi dua sebab sekali pandang memang nampak macam Leya. Kau tahu ramai pengantin bagai pakai topeng pada hari kahwin? Mekap mak bapak tebal sampai nak tengok pun seram. Maka, peringatan adalah, untuk mekap tu janganlah sampai  setahun dua nanti diri sendiri pun segan nak tengok. Biar nampak simple, dan nampak macam kita sendiri.

3- Flats are cool
Dalam satu gambar tunjuk bride's footwear iaitu sepasang flats. You are awesome and cool liddat yo. Baru macam pengantin orang muda, abaikan segala kebiasaan orang lain.Betullah pakai heels kaki nampak cantik, tapi kalau timbang taranya adalah keselesaan dan kecantikan, err, decide yourself. (I think I'll choose kecantikan too). Peringatan adalah majlis kahwin nanti prepare lah sepasang flats cantik. Awal awal majlis boleh la sarung those ridiculous troublesome heels. Lepas tu nak greet tetamu etc pakai flats sudah. Practical kan?

4-Tudung labuh
Tak tak bukan Maahad's style labuh, tapi labuh enough menutup syariat. Haha. Selendang Leya cantik je terletak, labuh menutup apa yang perlu. Banyak orang kahwin tetibe pendekkan tudung, arini jerrr punye konsep. Tapi labuh macam Maria Elena ke, cantik sangat taw.Macam kes #1 tadi, gambar kahwin kan nanti ramai orang upload. Maka jangan sesekalai buat mende yang mendatangkan dosa. Keep the tudung labuh. Selendang sekarang berbagai jenis kowt. Tailor according to needs lah.

Oh ada lagi satu, jangan pose yang anda tak setuju/tak sanggup nak tengok dah. Kadang kadang orang suka pose ikut photographer suruh. Lepas tu mula lah malu nak tengok bila kene upload. Haha. Remind me not to do any of those awkward pose.

Sebelum terlupa, baik ingat dahulu >o<