Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Today is my payday.
Pastu terus rasa menunggu gaji bulan depan.

Haha. Where all my pay had gone to? zzzz. After paying the room rent, the car loan, the utilities bill, and last month hutang from my other bank's acc, I have a little to survive the month. Yet, I already have plans throughout the month T.T tch so much of 'saving'

12 hours before that, I determine to cut down my monthly expenses so that I can save up a bit for holidays. Unfortunately, less than 12 hours my determination proven a failure.


Then, someone shared this link.
So, uhm, I'm guilty of number
1. Buying Lunch ... and Coffee and Snacks Everyday

*Today, I spent about RM20 for meals. KFC for lunch, goreng pisang for tea time and nasi kukus for dinner. Omigah. Thats already 30% of my pay.No wonder Redza Minhat cut down his meals to cut down his daily expenses. Unutng jugak, kut kurang makan, boleh turun berat.Haha leulz.

6. Paying a Premium for Your Vacation

*Not vacation lah, but I always but my balik kampung tix last minute when all the cheapest tix gone already. If only I bought them like 2 weeks earlier, I may get better price (sometimes the opposite happens)

7. Saving Your Savings Goals for Last

*ya lo, most of the time I save whatever I have in the end (most of the time none at all except the kutu)

8. Overpaying on Entertainment

*My biggest loophole. The movies on every weekend.  

9. Setting and Forgetting About Your Savings

*same ol' same ol'

10. Dining Out to the Detriment of Your Budget
*I always have the 'bila lagi nak jumpa, lets lepak all out' with my friends, hence the almost weekly over-spending on my dinner budget. 

11. Paying the Price for Last-Minute Holiday Purchases
*same case with number 6, not really vacation/holiday, but more to balik kampung.

Conclusion? Lets try to cut down the movies, the chatime, the dunkins and the goreng pisang. Say yes to more air bancuhan sendiri di rumah and skipping dinner once in awhile? Say NO to lepak at fancy cafe, say YES to mamaks. Heee. 

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