Sunday, July 14, 2013

I love my Mama

Went through the article, What I Learned About Ramadan – By Not Fasting , and I have to give a shout out to all Moms for their endless effort.

My mom, Mama had her first child at the age of 19, and gave birth to her tenth and last at the age of 41.During that long 22 years Mama probably had to miss her terawih and have been struggling with her fast, between pregnancies, breastfeeding and running-around little kids. On top of that, she got people to feed and a home to manage. And Mama did extremely splendid job at that.

From my fond memory, I can recall Mama would left us (the last five out of ten) at home and let Abe to take care of his little sisters and brother. We would play 'khemah' and what-not just to distract lilttle Syafiq so that he won't cry upon realizing Mama is not around. 

Only now, that all of her ten children grown up that Mama can go to terawih and observe her Ramadhan with peace. 

"Play the game again, and this time put it into “Adult” mode -you get a full-time job  so you can't use tahajjud or long taraweeh to level up.  There are way more baddies stomping around; family, work, and peers pulling you away from Allāh, and the puzzles you're required to solve to reach the next level are even more complicated.  If you get a high score on adult mode,māshā'Allāh, good job. There are still harder levels, and “Mother” is one of them."

Nowadays, I can take example from my sisters. One of them just gave birth to beautiful baby and have to skip the whole month of fasting. Another sister is taking her 7-month baby to masjid, and try to perform her terawih, only to be distracted right after isha' prayer since the baby is awake and crying. Another sister is juggling between traffic jams,  food for iftar and getting her four kids ready for teraweeh. 

These are the sacrifices of mothers. Thank Allah that all mothers are superhuman. 

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